
We are part of a vast and expanding network of institutions, artists and researchers all over the world. Over the years we have worked with many wonderful and inspiring partners. We have also been fortunate to receive funding and support from many institutions around the world. Below you find a few examples. A full list, we are proud to say, would be too long – so please excuse us for its incompleteness.


Cultural Institutions:

IASPIS, Moderna Museet, Tekniska museet, Nobelmuseum, Hallwylska museet, Dansens hus, Weld and Bonniers konsthall in Stockholm; Tate Britain, Tate Modern, David Roberts Art Foundation, Wellcome Collection and ICA in London; IRCAM, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris and Palais de Tokyo, in Paris; Documenta 14 in Athens; documenta fifteen, Kassel; De Appel and Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam; Serralves museum and Casa da Musica in Porto; MACRO, Rome; UCCA in Beijing; Rockbund Museum and Mingshen Museum in Shanghai; Mori Art Museum and Spiral in Tokyo; MAM and Pinacoteca in Sao Paulo; Museo Jumex in Mexico City; Ashkal Alwan and Beirut Art Center, Beirut, Lebanon.


Financial support:

European Cultural Foundation, Prince Claus Fund (with 98weeks) and Mondriaan Stichting in Amsterdam; Moderna Museets International Program, Ragnar Söderbergs Stiftelse, Innovativ kultur, Musikverket and Statens Kulturråd in Stockholm; the Nordic Council of Ministers and The Nordic Cultural fund in Copenhagen; Goethe institut in Sao Paulo; Nordic Culture Point and Svenska kulturfonden in Helsinki; The Swedish Institute in Stockholm and Paris; the embassies and consulates of France in London, Melbourne, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Yokohama and Stockholm; The Swedish embassies and consulates in Ottawa, Warsaw, Madrid, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, Mexico City, Brasilia and London.


Academic/Research Institutions:

Karolinska institutet, Kungliga Konsthögskolan and Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan in Stockholm; Chalmers Tekniska Högskola and Konsthöhskolan Valand, Gothenburg; Linköpings universitet, Norrköping; Linnéuniversitet, Växjö; Aalto University, Espoo; Donders Institute in Nijmegen; The university of Ghent and IPEM in Ghent; École normale supérieure, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Centre recherches interdisciplinairs, ICM in Paris; Bristol Robotics lab, The Max Planck institute in Göttingen, HfG in Karlsruhe; The University of Shanghai; The Melbourne University;  Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, University of Arizona in Tucson, University of Californa in San Diego, California College of the Arts in San Francisco; UNAM, Mexico City; Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP); The University of Kyushu in Fukuoka and Musashino Art University in Tokyo.


Find out more about how our projects have been received here and here or visit us on Instagram or Facebook.