More Nordic Dance at Teatermaskinen


Vision Forum and our sister organisation MKP organise a a dance workshop that focuses on Nordic romantic art. It takes place at Teatermaskinen in Riddarhyttan September 17-28. In the workshop we work together with Mexican choreographer Ricardo Rubio. Together dancers and musicians will investigate how 19th century romantic art can become an inspiration for new contemporary dance. Participants come from Sweden, Norway and Finland.

Ricardo Rubio is a Mexican choreographer, poet, and performance artist. He is founder and current director of INTERflamenca as well as El Dia D. Both are based in Santiago de Queretaro. His personal approach to creations can be found in dialogues between diverse disciplines like poetry, ethnography, performance and electronic media. He uses these to research the purpose of ancient rituals in Latin America and traditional dances in the contemporary world. He is interested in body expressions of movement which dialogue with electronic media: visual art-multimedia and sound art-electronic music.

Drop us a line at info [at] if you want to join. Participation in the workshop is free.

A public presentation will be held at Etnografiska in Stockholm on November 9. It will take place within the current exhibition on Mexican culture and how it relates to death. More info soon.

The session is supported by OPSTART at Nordic Culture fund.